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Award-winning actor Gary Sinise is probably remembered most for his roles as Lt. Dan from the movie “Forrest Gump” and Detective Mac Taylor on CBS-TV’s “CSI: New York.” But did you know he also works tirelessly on behalf of our active duty military and Veterans? In addition to touring with the United Service Organizations (USO) and entertaining troops with his “Lt. Dan Band,” he also volunteers his time to help the VA communicate to Veterans and the public through Public Service Announcements (PSAs) like this one.

Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service


What is VAVS?

Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service


When did it start?

It was founded in 1946, to provide for our nation's veterans while they are cared for at VA health care facilities. It is the largest volunteer program in the Federal Government, supplementing staff and resources in all areas of patient care and support. Its role is to provide structured volunteer program under the management of VA compensated employees, to serve America's veterans and their families. By visiting the VA Medical Centers, we are helping in the care and treatment of the Veteran patient. We also serve as "eyes and ears" inside the VA system, assuring quality care to the patient population.


Who can be a VAVS Volunteer?

ANYONE! Chapter members, their families and friends are great sources of volunteers, but we can always use more help. Chapters can bring in other volunteers and sponsor them with the Chapter and VVA will receive the credit. To be a volunteer you must only be willing to contribute your time and energy, and be committed to helping our veterans.


To become involved, contact with the local VVA Chapter is the best first step. A volunteer can also contact the closest VA Medical Center, Volunteer Service office, and tell them you wish to volunteer as a registered volunteer for Vietnam Veterans of America. The local VA can help you find an assignment that matches your available hours. There are hundreds of positions for volunteers in regularly scheduled assignments, but there are also many opportunities for parties, ice cream socials and special events.


If you have questions about VAVS, or Volunteer at the VA for Vietnam Veterans of America, you can contact your local Chapter.

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